WALKS WITH SAM is now a best-selling book.

From ROUNDFIRE BOOKS, John Hunt Publishing, UK


Praise for WALKS WITH SAM . . .

Publishers Weekly: “Berner’s plainspoken manner reveals moments of true enlightenment. Dog lovers and spiritualists will adore this.”

James Dodson, best-selling author of Faithful TravelersThe DewsweepersFinal Rounds, A Golfer’s Life with Arnold Palmer, and The Range Bucket List : “The poet Wallace Stevens wrote that sometimes the answer comes with a walk around the lake. In my case, it’s a daily walk around the neighborhood at dawn with the dogs that provides an answer to the unknown challenges of the day. Writer David W. Berner knows this truth better than most, a timeless phenomenon splendidly explored and revealed in his wise and insightful Walks with Sam, a moving memoir about how a young dog can teach an old man new tricks about mindfulness and presence. Hard to remember when I’ve enjoyed a walk with two friends more, a reminder of the important things  dogs help us discern about ourselves — and the world around us.”

International Review of Books: “This is a highly recommended and heartwarming read. Well-written, immensely satisfying, and thought provoking.”

Midwest Book Review: “An inherently fascinating and unfailingly thoughtful read from beginning to end,”

IndiesToday“David W. Berner writes with all the wisdom of a renowned philosopher matched with the down to earth nature that only a dedicated pet owner could possess.”

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