The Excitement is Far Too Much
We are two months away from the release of my latest book, Walk with Sam: A Man, a Dog, and a Season of Awakening. Early reviews from Publisher’s Weekly and NetGalley have been more than positive. That’s so nice to see and, yes, I am thrilled, but Sam . . . well . . .
The anticipation is too hard to manage, apparently. Simply too much to handle.
You see, Sam lives life on a much more even keel than most of us. The arrival of the mailman or a scurrying squirrel might roust her, but in a matter of moments, she returns to her steady ways, living in the present, accepting the world as it is and finding the best way to live in it. One of those ways is lounging in the leather chair, usually after I exit it. She’s sneaky that way.
Sometimes Sam will steal a spot between my wife and me on the couch as we’re watching Netflix, as if it is her spot and her spot alone. She’s not territorial, she simply believes what’s hers is hers. In those TV moments, Sam rarely gets excited. Watching an old Anthony Bourdain episode or catching up on Schitt’s Creek does little to shift her temperment. Now and then, if a commercial features a dog and the dog barks or cries, that may momentarily snatch her attention, and she snarls at the screen. But it’s short-lived. Sam soon finds her way back to her easy-going ways, and at some point, back in the leather chair to catch a doggie dream.
“Sam, your book is just about ready to be released into the world. What do you think about that?” I ask.
Maybe at the book launch Sam will be a little more enthusiastic.
Maybe there will be treats.